Allah – The Ultimate Attachment Source
In attachment theory, the bond is typically a two-way relationship, involving two partners. For this bond to be characterized as an attachment, it is essential to explore the role of each partner, particularly the one who serves as the “stronger, wiser other” (Kirkpatrick, 1992a, 2005). The following section delves into various sources that demonstrate how, within Islamic spirituality, God is regarded as the ultimate attachment Source, embodying both strength and wisdom for those who seek His guidance and protection.
God as the Ultimate Attachment Source through His Divine Attribute
In attachment theory, a Source who offers proximity and safety exhibits qualities like accessibility, sensitivity, and responsiveness, while also providing protection and support for exploration and learning. These traits, which define an attachment Source, are reflected in the divine attributes of Allah as understood through His 99 beautiful names and attributes (Asma ul-Husna).
Islam teaches us that God can be known through His 99 names and attributes, each of which highlights a unique aspect of His relationship with His creation. Many of these names emphasize His role as the ultimate attachment Source, offering believers a sense of security, protection, and sustenance.
One of the most central names in this context is Al-Mu’min—the Bestower of Security. The essence of the attachment bond lies in finding safety in times of fear, and Al-Mu’min embodies this perfectly. God, as the ultimate protector, shields us from both external dangers and internal struggles, as reflected in verses of the Qur’an (113:1-5 & 114:1-6). Believers find refuge in God’s promise.
Another crucial aspect of an attachment Source is responsiveness. The name Al-Mujib—The Responsive, reassures believers that God is always near and ready to answer the call of those who seek Him
It is truly powerful to reflect on the fact that God emphasizes His direct closeness to His servants, God reassures us that no intermediary is needed between Him and us. This direct connection makes the servant feel a profound sense of nearness to God, knowing that they can call upon Him, ask, and hope without any barriers. This intimacy strengthens the relationship, reminding the servant that God is always accessible, listening, and ready to respond.
In addition to offering protection and responsiveness, God, through His name Ar-Razzaq—The Ever-Provider, guarantees the provision of all needs, whether they be physical, emotional, or spiritual. God sustains His creation in every way, offering nourishment and security:
Further illustrating God’s role as an attachment Source is His name Al-Hafeez—The Preserver. God protects His believers from harm, just as He protected the prophets from the adversities they faced while delivering His message. Stories in the Qur’an, such as God saving Prophet Noah (7:64) and rescuing Prophet Musa from the clutches of Pharaoh (2:49; 20:40), show how God’s protection is all-encompassing.
Another related divine name is Al-Mani’e—The Shielder, where God shields His servants from harm and loss, a key role for those who rely on Him for protection. Likewise, As-Samad—The Everlasting Refuge, represents God’s role as the eternal haven for those seeking refuge, just as the Qur’an narrates the story of the Companions of the Cave (Surah Al-Kahf, Chapter 18), where God granted refuge to the persecuted believers.
In conclusion, the divine names of God clearly reflect the qualities of an ideal attachment Source. Through His mercy, protection, and responsiveness, believers can find in God a secure base and a safe haven. These divine attributes provide a foundation for Muslims to experience God as their ultimate attachment Source in times of need.
God as the Ultimate Attachment Source in Qur’anic Stories!
In addition to His divine attributes that align with the traits of an attachment Source, it is essential to explore whether God provides the attachment functions of proximity, a safe haven, and a secure base. The Qur’an shares numerous stories about prophets—such as Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jonah, and Muhammad—where God’s accessibility, responsiveness, care, and protection are evident. For brevity, we will focus on the stories of Jonah, Abraham, and Moses, illustrating God’s role as both a safe haven and a secure base for His believers.
God as a Safe Haven and Secure Base in Qur’anic Stories
A central role of an attachment Source is to provide safety—acting as a haven during times of threat and offering a secure base from which the protected one can explore confidently, knowing help is readily available. This function of God is evident in the story of Prophet Jonah, as recounted in chapter 21 of the Qur’an. Jonah’s journey shows how believers can seek refuge in God, finding Him a source of comfort and rescue during times of hardship. When Jonah called out to God from the darkness of the fish’s belly, seeking proximity and protection, God responded:
This story highlights God’s responsiveness, showcasing His role as a safe haven for Jonah in distress. It also serves as a reminder that seeking God’s protection is not exclusive to prophets but is available to all believers.
The story of Prophet Abraham further exemplifies God’s protective role and how He acts as a place of refuge for those who believe in Him (Qur’an 19, 21, 26, 29). For instance, when Abraham faced the threat of death for rejecting idol worship and calling for monotheism, God protected him from the fire that his enemies had prepared. The Qur’an narrates:
Abraham’s faith in God’s help was unwavering, even when angels offered assistance. He famously replied, “God is sufficient for me, and He is the best protector!” This story demonstrates God’s availability and accessibility as an attachment Source, as well as Abraham’s firm trust in Him as his safe haven and secure base.
Similarly, the story of Prophet Moses highlights God’s role as a protector. When Pharaoh pursued Moses and his people, God guided them and reassured Moses that they would not be overtaken:
God then parted the sea for Moses and his people, allowing them to escape while Pharaoh and his army were drowned (Qur’an 26:63-68). Moses’s certainty in God’s protection reflects his secure attachment to Him. He trusted that God would guide him and his followers safely through the challenge, emphasizing God’s role as both a safe haven and a secure base.
Other Qur’anic stories, such as those of Noah (26:105-122), Hud (26:123-140), Salih (26:141-159), Lot (26:160-175), Shu’ayb (26:176-191), and Prophet Muhammad (3:173-174), further illustrate God’s role as the ultimate protector. These stories demonstrate how God provides His prophets and believers with the courage and strength to face their adversaries while offering them protection and refuge.
An example of insecure attachment is also found in the Qur’an, where the followers of Moses expressed fear and anxiety despite God’s guidance and protection. Their hesitation to stand against Pharaoh’s oppression suggests a lack of trust in God’s ability to serve as their safe haven and secure base (Qur’an 26:10-69; 28:3-5). Similarly, some companions of the Prophet Muhammad showed insecurity when they feared capture while hiding in a cave. The Prophet reassured them, saying: “Do not worry; Allah is certainly with us.”
In summary, the Qur’anic stories show numerous examples of how prophets and believers experienced God as their attachment source during crucial moments in their lives. Most of the examples highlighted secure attachment, but that is only one aspect of the 99 attachments that you can have with God through His 99 names. Also, if we go back and look through the same stories that we provided earlier, we can clearly see the various other attachments that the prophets and the righteous people had with Allah. These stories serve as a lesson for human beings to place their full trust in God as their ultimate source for every single aspect of their lives.