Why do you think the people of Palestine are so special?
Over the past 45 days, they have been displaced from their homes, bombed, killed, losing family members daily and they still have this unusual inner peace, tranquillity and resilience.
What we are seeing is that they can’t be broken, they have something else in their hearts that makes them see these hardships from a different perspective.
Through all what they are going through, Palestinians people find the time to say “Alhmdullah”, which is a way of thanking God. It literally translates into all praise to God.
When you see this dad holding his deceased baby girl very peacefully saying Alhmdhullah she was the love of my life. A mixed feeling would arise on how he would find the priority to thank God with what he is going through and how we can reach a similar resilience.
In Islam, faith is twofold: patience and gratitude. Because of this, it is incumbent upon the muslim believer to understand and adhere to them, not deviating from them. One should make their path to the Lord between patience and gratitude. The Quran (God last revelation to humanity) extensively discusses patience and how it relates to saying Alhmdullah in the time of hardship. It deeply discusses how you would survive tough times by building reliance through believing that God is so generous, unwavering, and invincible.
Patience is one of the most prominent virtues mentioned in the Quran, appearing in over a hundred places. This is due to its fundamental role in various virtues. Every virtue or character trait finds its foundation and pillar in patience.
Join us in learning more about the Quran, we will have weekly meetings; reading, discussing and sharing thoughts about some verses from the Quran. Our focus will be on how God commands us to exercise patience, perseverance, and stand firm, as stated in “O you who have believed, be patient and endure and remain stationed and fear Allah that you may be successful”. And can we find resilience through patience and gratitude?